Self-segregating morphology Calculator
This is a calculator for
determining the efficiency of different
self-segregating morphology (SSM)
methods for constructed languages.
Read the
article about self-segregating morphology
for more information on the topic.
Automatic: Find optimal methods for given inventory
(VB) Pure vowel boundaries: V…V
(CB) Pure consonants boundaries: C…C
(IM) Initial marking: CV…
(TM) Terminal marking: …CV
(PHM) Pragmatic head marking: CV… (L ≤ 8, optimized for 2-8)
(WHM) Weighted head marking: CV… (L ≤ 8, optimized for 2-4)
(DSSM) Double self-segregating morphology: V…CV (L ≤ 7)
(GT) Global termination with consonants: CV…C
(GT) Global termination with vowels: VC…V
(GS) Glue sounds with consonants: CVn…CV
(GS) Glue sounds with vowels: CVi…CV
Show optimal methods for lots of inventories (huge output!)
Compare C/V ratio (charts)
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Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Heller [ˈtoːmas ˈhɛlɐ]