
Slovak Number Learning Game

This small online game is intended to help Slovak learners with learning the numbers in the Slovak language. When you click "Start the game", it will play an audio recording of random numbers in Slovak. (So you will need headphones or speakers.)

You can then take a guess and see if you understood the number correctly or try again with another number. The number you are going to hear is either a single number between 1 and 99, or a pair of two numbers, each between 1 and 99. (This is intended to cover the range of numbers you might hear in a restaurant, when shopping etc.)

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Please note: This is a beta version that does not yet have native speaker audio recordings. If you're a native Slovak speaker and would like to contribute recordings, I would be happy to include them and credit you here. Feel free to contact me regarding a list of the required samples.

Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Heller [ˈtoːmas ˈhɛlɐ]