
Conlang Bible Translations

This page provides a list of constructed languages (conlangs) that have a full or partial Bible translation.

Please note that the Tower of Bable (Genesis 11:1-9) is a text commonly used to "test drive" new conlangs. Thus, many conlangs have a translation of this Bible passage. Also, the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) is sometimes used as a sample text. Therefore, conlangs with translations of only these texts are not necessarily included in the list below, except for some more well-known conlangs.

Conlang name Completeness Year, Author Source links
Basic English Full translation New Testament: 1941
Old Testament: 1949
by S. H. Hooke
(source: Wikipedia)
Bible in Basic English (BBE)
Esperanto Full translation New Testament: 1912
by Rust/Beveridge/Wilkinson
Old Testament: 1926
by L. L. Zamenhof (harmonized)
(source: Wikipedia)
La Sankta Biblio
Glosa Partial by several authors
(see source link)
e.g. Gospel of Luke: 2002
by Gary Miller
Pusi Glosa Kristo-Bibli
Ido Partial by several authors
(source: Generala Ido Libreyo)
La libro pri Esther
La Evangelio segun Markus
Evangelio da Santa Lukas
Agi dil Apostoli
La Epistoli (some letters)
Sundiala Evangelii (excerpts)
Interlingua Partial by S. W. Buckhalter
by F. Markstein
and probably others
(see source links)
Le Biblia in Interlingua
complete book translations
(formerly Occidental)
Minimal by Wikisource users (?) Patre Nor (Lord's Prayer)
Johan (Gospel of John, partial)
Interslavic Minimal 2006 (?)
(source: Sample Texts)
Věža Babelja (Tower of Babel)
Otče naš (Lord's Prayer)
Klingon Partial by several authors
(see source link)
see overview page of the
Religious Text Translation Project
in the Klingon Wiki
Láadan Minimal by Amberwind Barnhart (?)
(source: Láadan Lessons)
Tower of Babel
Psalm 23
Psalm 100
The Lord's Prayer
Latino sine Flexione Minimal (?) Patre nostro (Lord's Prayer)
Lingua Franca Nova Partial (?) "Cristianisme" on Relijio page
(specifically Biblia)
Lingwa de planeta Minimal (?) Lord's Prayer
Lojban Partial started 2011 (first Git commit)
by Pierre Abbat et al.
The Christian Bible (PDF)
(GitHub source repository)
Na'vi Minimal (?) Na'vi Bible Translation Project
Novial Minimal (?) The Lord's Prayer
Quenya Partial by Helge Kåre Fauskanger
Old Testament (partial)
New Testament (full)
Senjecas Partial conlang started in 1975
by Charles W. Brickner
Old Testament (partial)
New Testament (partial)
Solresol None - -
Toki Pona Partial community effort
started in 2022
lipu sewi (in Markdown format)
(GitHub source repository)
Volapük Partial First Epistle of John: 1888
by Johann Martin Schleyer

Further translations: 1952
by Dr. Arie de Jong
O Fat obas (Lord's Prayer)
Pened balid Yoliánesà (1 John)
Diatek Nulik (NT, partial)

The following definitions were used to determine the status of completeness:

If you are aware of any further Bible translations into conlangs not yet listed above, please contact me so that I can add them to the list. Also, if you believe there is any incorrect or outdated information in the list above, I would be happy if you let me know, so that I can correct it.

Last updated: 2024-09-04

Copyright © 2024 by Thomas Heller [ˈtoːmas ˈhɛlɐ]